What to look for when you’re hiring a school librarian

The magic umbrellaWe realize this is the time of year that some districts are hiring media specialists. This might include districts that have been without them for awhile or who are replacing retirees. In her recent “Open Letter to Principals,” Library Girl gives hiring principals a list of things to look for when hiring school librarians. As she says, hiring a school librarian can be more important than hiring a new teacher, “because your school librarian will work with every teacher and every student in your building. Here’s what to do:”

  1. Look for someone who loves children more than books.
  2. Look for the right person as opposed to the right degree.
  3. Look for data and outcomes.
  4. Look for someone who can grow readers, not just reading scores.
  5. Look for a leader (or one in training).
  6. Look for a learner.

Read the whole article now!

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