Can an immersive video game teach the nuances of American History?

Looking for a way to teach or expose your kids to American History? Mission US might be the answer. Currently FREE, the role-playing game gives students the experience of what it would be like to live during historical moments. The game is designed to encourage students to empathize with the game’s characters and build understanding and critical perception to think like an historian.

“The most encouraging to see is the games being launchpads for really in-depth conversations in which kids at varying academic levels feel equipped to participate and draw on their experiences with the game and the learning materials,” said Leah Potter, an instructional designer with Electric Funstuff

All the games are available both to stream and download. Although they are Flash-based, WNET producers said iPad compatible versions are currently under development.

Read the whole article now, or check out this video of Mission US in action: