Unbelievable things found in library books

BookmarkThere are some unbelievable things found in library books!  Here is a second list of very unusual items found in library books. We’ve included the first list if you missed it.  Part 2 includes comments from fellow library staff.  It’s quite humorous and some pretty gross like “the smear of something brown and vile. We think it was something from an animal.” Umm… glad I never found something like that!  The most unusual thing that I ever found in a book was a bookworm!  Yes, a real live bookworm was burrowing through a book.  How about you?  What is the most unusual thing you have found in a library book?

Surprises found in library books – Part 1

Surprises found in library books – Part 2

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/hfxepjb, licensed under CC BY 3.0