Do you work in a learning organization?

photo-1459623837994-06d03aa27b9bA recent article in American Libraries Magazine caught my eye, and reflects what I believe about continuing education for ALL library staff. With change happening so fast, all library staff need to feel confident in their skill set,  and engaged in staying current in order to be relevant to library users.

The conclusion to the full article by Meredith Farkas nails it….”Professional development doesn’t have to cost a fortune, but it does require time. And library administrators must consciously choose to make this investment. It benefits individuals and connects them more to the profession, and all that learning comes back to enrich the organization. A learning organization is always improving, and that can’t happen without an intentional investment in professional development.”

CMLE provides low or no-cost events and also offers scholarships to attend events other than what CMLE offers. Need a substitute so you can attend an event? No problem….this is an allowable scholarship expense. Take a look to see how easy it is to apply for a scholarship now in order to keep sharpening your skill set!


Image credit: (Josh Felise), licensed under CC0 1.0