Wrapping up the Minnesota budget session

Here is the latest update from the MLA’s (and yours!)  library lobbyist firm:

Session Closure

While the Governor’s line-item veto of the legislature’s operating budget means the people’s business isn’t quite finished, it is for our practical purposes.

  • The final Bonding bill, signed into law, appropriates $2 million for library construction and renovation projects.
  • The final Legacy bill, signed into law, appropriates $2.5 million for library legacy programming for the next two years.
  • The final E-12 bill, signed into law, doesn’t appropriate new funding for regional library programs.

If the courts decide against the legislature’s forthcoming lawsuit over the line-item veto, it’s the Governor’s desire to revisit several items in the Tax bill. Those items are related to commercial-industrial property taxes paid to the state, tobacco taxes and changes to the estate tax. He’s also indicated a desire to revisit the teacher licensure reform package passed in the E-12 bill.

The 2018 session begins at noon on Tuesday, February 20th.


Samuel P. Walseth

Capitol Hill Associates

525 Park Street, Suite 255

St. Paul, MN 55103″