Tag Archives: CAIS

Learning About Library Associations: The Canadian Association for Information Science

Library science is an enormous field, home to every interest you could imagine! This means that there are many organizations out there for you to join, in order to connect with other people who share your professional interests.

So even if you work alone in your library, there are other people out there doing work similar to yours! Each week we will highlight a different library association for you to learn more about, and depending on your work, potentially join! You can also check out our page dedicated to Library Associations.

Founded in 1970, the goal of the Canadian Association of Information Science (CAIS) is to “promote the advancement of information science in Canada, and encourage and facilitate the exchange of information relating to the use, access, retrieval, organization, management, and dissemination of information.” It’s a bilingual association with the French name L’Association canadienne des sciences de l’information (ACSI).

Some members of CAIS include “information scientists and archivists, librarians, computer scientists, economists, educators,  and others who support its objectives.”

CAIS has an annual conference which will be held May 30th – June 1st 2018 at the University of Regina. Their annual conferences are to provide members a chance to “discuss the access, retrieval, production, value, use, and management of information.” If you are interested in viewing materials from last year’s conference, click here.

CAIS is the publisher of the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science which is published in print on a quarterly basis and also available online. For more information on submitting to the journal, or to subscribe, see their website page. 

To learn more about the benefits of joining CAIS and to find out how to join, visit their membership page.