Tag Archives: tutorial

Book Repair Tutorial from the Smithsonian

ScrapbookDon Stankavage of the Smithsonian Libraries’ blog Unbound found the perfect opportunity to help book lovers out last month.  One of the books in their collection needed to be repaired!  “As it was in a very typical state of disrepair, it allowed an opportunity to outline a standard treatment process.”

The post provides a step-by-step how-to on repairing books – the one used in the example was published in 1868!  The pictures and captions that make up the bulk of the post are perfect for visual learners.  Check it out, and then salvage one of your own books!

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/nha92z7, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Google Earth "Tour Builder" Resources

Have you heard about Google Earth Tour Builder? It was introduced a few months back, and is a browser-based tool to assist you in creating your Google Earth Tours. Tour Builder is a storytelling tool which lets you easily create and explore stories and places around the world. Based on the Google Earth plugin, you can create a tour of any subject of your choosing, zooming in to show the places where events took place, and easily integrating the story’s text, photos and videos. Your tour will fly users from one place to the next along the storyline of your tour, immersing them in the relevant places through Google Earth’s imagery and the custom content you provide. Very cool way to share your travel with others. What a great way to help students travel the world without needing a signed permission slip!

Quick FAQ’s about Google Earth Tour Builder

Two quick video tutorials; one very basic, and another that includes special features too! Thank you Free Technology for Teachers site.




Recommended Ed Tech Tool: DigitalLearn!

Some rights reserved by Wikimedia Foundation
Some rights reserved by Wikimedia Foundation

Digital Learn.org is a new beta website-launched this month!

If you have learners that struggle with the computer basics this site is for you. It provides free tools, techniques and tips to help build confidence with technology (email, internet searching, etc.) It is sponsored by the Public Libraries Association (PLA) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, however the tutorials can be viewed by any patron looking for help.

The main page is divided into two sections, one for the patrons (learn) and the other for support staff  (help learners).  The link for support staff will take you to a form to request additional information about future services and tools; so for a quick application of this ed-tech tool the “learn” tab will be extremely useful.

Please keep in mind that because this is a new beta site, the contents will continue to grow over time!