Recommended App: GoodReader

GoodreaderRecently, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) came out with their 25 Best Apps for Teaching & Learning for 2014.  The apps were chosen because they foster innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration.

GoodReader is one of these apps.  Users can manage content from various sources – Excel, Word, and iWork documents; PowerPoint presentations; PDFs and more.  Then, users can read, organize, and even annotate these files, either online or locally through the app.  The app has built in annotation tools that are great for students – highlighters, bookmarks, and stickies.

The app is available on iOS for $4.99 and is recommended for all grades K-12.  Most GoodReader tutorials are long, but here is a short intro into annotating documents and sharing them:

For more apps, check out our 2014 Recommended App archive!