Questions from the field: Accelerated Reader

We need your help! Occasionally we get questions from our members and CMLE doesn’t always know the answer. That’s where you come in! Yes you! This week we have a question about Accelerated Reader and other options. Thanks in advance for your help!

An area media specialist/tech integrationist asked:  We have used Accelerated Reader for the past 16 years and are exploring other options/alternatives.What are other schools using to help create strong readers?

Another question came from the ITEM listserv:  Our school is into the AR (Accelerated Reader) program.  In the past, there has been a “store” twice a year for students to spend their points.  I want to come up with a different plan or a better plan. What do your schools do?

Solutions to this question: Help us fill in the answers! Share your thoughts below and we’ll update this blog post with the responses we receive!