Visiting the Little Free Library Headquarters

I love Little Free Libraries! Several of our members have these as part of the service they offer to their communities, and it can be a valuable item. So when I was able to stop by their Headquarters in Hudson, WI, I was excited even before I arrived.

I was not sure I was in the right place, as my GPS directed me off of I-94. But as I drove slowly along this set of offices in a long building, I finally reached the end and found this sign. I had arrived! Success!!




I hopped out of my car, not even noticing this adorable little collection of libraries until I was walking into the building! The staffers there told me that there is a karate school at the other end of the building, and that kids come charging out of classes to explore the libraries. How cute is that?? (Answer: SO cute!)


The libraries have to be ready to travel sometimes, so they have a nifty trailer to keep them safe on the move. Like everything else associated with the Little Free Libraries, their trailer is branded and has some excellent-looking sample libraries. If you are riding in traffic behind this vehicle, you could definitely spend some time planning out your own library!

When not in use, the trailer and other vehicles get to sit in this nicely signed garage. I feel like the little libraries are expressing their own travel goals. Reading can really take you places!





Welcoming you right at the front door, you find even MORE little libraries!! I have no immediate proof of this, either way, but I’m guessing that working surrounded by all these adorable book-filled libraries must be a wonderful experience!! Aaahhhhhh….surrounded by books and libraries all day – a dream come true for most of us!




When you finally make it inside (tearing yourself away from the cute stuff outside), there is more to admire! I absolutely loved this bulletin board filled with thank you notes, and some very serious fan mail from all over the place. When you have such a fun product, it is wonderful to hear how happy people are with it, and all the fun things they do with their books and libraries. (Does your library have a similar wall? If not: think about it!!)


And for all of us who like pop culture, gaming, and books: they even have a Pokemon Go stop at their headquarters, with a picture of their so-cute libraries!




Does your library have a Little Free Library? Do you have one in your community? (Or, do you have a bunch of them in your community??? They seem to come in groups for even more book-related fun!) Tell us about it! We would love to feature you in an upcoming blog article!