New Paraprofessional Track at the 2018 MLA Conference

It’s nearly Conference Time!!!

As you know, CMLE is a big supporter of everyone going to conferences. It can be such a valuable way for you to meet people who do what you do in a library, it lets you put names to faces of people you talk with online, and it gives you an opportunity to meet vendors and presenters of all sorts of information.

Library people can not just assume their skills are fine. Our profession requires constant updating and movement. There are a lot of ways to build skills – and conferences is on of the fun ways!


This October 11-12, the Minnesota Library Association Library Association Annual Conference will be in St Cloud.


MLA also wants you to go! Register here, and check out the entire schedule here!

To overcome any perception that conferences are only for someone else, or only for people with degrees (NOPE!!), MLA has established a specific track of presentations for Frontline Staff in any sort of library. If you do anything, in any  type of library, that involves humans of any sort: THIS IS FOR YOU!!

(Does that sound expansive enough?? It’s supposed to!)

Sign up for the whole conference, Thursday and Friday, or just Friday. This track will be presented on Friday, and includes:





Physical labor is not the only labor that can be hard: Emotional labor in librarianship Kimberly L Clakre • Wanda R Marsolek

Sounds good, doesn’t it??!!

Remember back when I said WE WANT YOU TO GO TO THIS CONFERENCE???

CMLE will reimburse our members $50 toward your conference registration cost not otherwise paid for by other funding sources. (This is separate from, and in addition to any other scholarship or mini-grant you may receive from CMLE this year.)

Fill out the Scholarship form before the conference to get approved. Then, send us your receipts  and a short write-up of the  conference (photos are always appreciated!), and we will send you a reimbursement check for $50.

Pretty easy, isn’t it?

This conference is for everyone. It is for all types of libraries, all levels of experience, all job titles. And, as it’s here in CMLE’s own backyard, we particularity want to see people able to take advantage of it!

As a bonus for CMLE members, if you need a letter of support to attend this conference to give to your supervisor – we will be happy to provide one detailing the benefits of your attendance on your professional development, as well as the benefits to the library when you return.

We’ll see you at the conference!!!

PS: as a small plug, CMLE staff are giving two presentations at this MLA conference, and we’d love to see you there! Stop by, chat, and let’s have conference fun together!

  • Thursday, October 11 • 8:00am – 8:50am The Basics of Community Engagement: Nailing the Fundamentals so Magic Can Happen! Library people are skilled at finding, compiling, and sharing information – and these are skills we can share in our wider community! In this session, we will discuss the fundamentals of working with community groups and handling meetings effectively. we will discuss strategies for finding community groups, for connecting with them as a library professional and a community member yourself, and then for encouraging progress. Community groups can accomplish great things; but without fundamentals, that potential is squandered!
  •  Friday, October 12 • 10:30am – 11:20am   Leadership is On The Air! Training Through Podcasting! Leadership is for everyone. It’s for you! And we are here to help you with building your skills!! In this session, we will discuss the basics of using a podcast as a tool for training leadership skills and competencies. We will talk about the strategy we used to identify the competencies we are sharing in the podcast. We will talk, briefly, about setting up a podcast of your own if you want to do some training for your patrons, or staff, or other population. You will leave this session with ideas on leadership development and on learning by podcasting. Together we will enjoy discussing leadership!