Report from CMLE Library Advocacy Postcard Party!

Having support for libraries is so important. It keeps us funded, staffed, and able to provide amazing programs and materials to our patrons, students, and communities!

That’s why we hold Library Advocacy Postcard Parties: to spread the word to school boards, city councils, principals, legislators, and other stakeholders about why libraries are so valuable!

Did you miss our event but still want to speak up for your library? Check out our series Advocacy Alchemy for ideas on how to do so! Otherwise feel free to tweet, share, post, or email these facts (seriously, it’s that easy):

  • 21 state studies confirm school librarians support student achievement
  • School librarians provide 21st century
    professional development to their teaching
  • Find more facts about school libraries here.
  • Public libraries in MN return over $4 in value to their communities for every $1 in tax money invested in them. They are involved in a huge variety of community service:  serving lunch all summer to low-income kids, Daddy and Me Storytime for early literacy skills, training in writing resumes and using a computer to apply for jobs, checking out ties for job interviews, and so much more!
  • Hospital libraries provide doctors, nurses, and patients with vital, up-to-date medical information on any condition
  • Academic libraries provide programming to help first-generation college students learn about college life, reducing the chances they will drop out
And don’t worry, we’ll be having another Postcard Party on December 18th from 3-5pm at the Local Blend in St. Joe 🙂