Advocacy Alchemy: Send a postcard!

We love postcards!

Have you written a postcard? (It’s surprising how infrequently most of us do this!)

CMLE has postcards designed by Angie with all kinds of good library facts and information. We will give you postcards!

It can be tough to tell your stakeholders the important information you need them to know. Postcards can be a quick way to talk about one or two facts that are important to you and your library. It saves time in opening and sorting through lots of papers and words. It makes you be concise and really get to the heart of what you want to share.

Will you be at MLA or at ITEM conferences?? Angie and Mary will be at both, with postcards to give to you! Come find us, and write one out to your stakeholders! (If you finish them on-site, give it back to us and we will even mail it for you!)

Reach out to your stakeholders. Call, email, drop by for a visit. You are not bothering politicians – they want and need to know the needs of libraries, so should be happy to talk with you.

If you have questions about who to contact, or what to say, get in touch with us. We are here to support your advocacy work!