Book Bites: Walking Point: A Vietnam Memoir

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!


This week Leigh Lenzmeier shares Walking Point: A Vietnam Memoir, by Robert Kunkel

Bob Kunkel grew up in a large, Catholic family on a dairy farm in central Minnesota. Although he was older than some draftees, at 22, he was still young and relatively innocent. But not for long.
Kunkel recounts his experiences with so much detail that the reader can feel and smell the steamy jungle. He brings you right along with him. His story is much more than a collection of details, however. His military experience was largely mundane routine, spiced with dramatic and dangerous moments and anecdotal incidents, recounted with a dry sense of humor. Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster of a read.

Check out this episode!