Advocacy Alchemy: The profession needs an email from you!

Each week we suggest a strategy you can use to help support your library and the library profession. (Yes, I’m biased; but I love this profession, and think we are all very fortunate to be part of it!)

This week we have some bad news coming from Washington. Yes, I know – just what we all needed before the holidays. #BahHumbug Below is material from

As a person who lived in Paul Ryan’s district until I moved to Minnesota – I am so very sorry this guy is such a jerk. I swear I voted against him just as hard as I could. He has spent his entire career passing himself off as a smart guy – but has consistently worked to de-fund libraries whenever possible. I just hate this guy for that work. And sadly: he does not want to go away quietly and politely – he wants to have one more chance to destroy library funding.

Keep in mind: losing this source of money means libraries in Minnesota will lose approximately $3 million. This goes toward supporting a variety of things, including the inter-library loan funds so many libraries are using to share materials.

(Did I already mention that I hate this guy? I do. It’s hard not to take personally the actions of someone who was supposed to represent my interests – and devoted himself so thoroughly to wrecking libraries and the profession I love.)

Send an Email to Ask the House Of Representatives to Pass the Museum and Library Services Act

We can’t abandon our museums and libraries! Sign the petition: Send an Email to Ask the House Of Representatives to Pass the Museum and Library Services Act.

This critical bill for libraries and museums is stalled in the Lame Duck Congress. We need to tell Congress to get back to work.

The Museum and Library Services Act of 2018 is stalled in the House of Representatives. The Act is the foundation upon which all federal support for libraries, archives, and museums stands. It authorizes the Institute of Museum and Library Services, our national support system for the cultural, educational, historical, and community development mission that these institutions provide. It is critical that the Museum and Library Services Act be reauthorized. But Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McCarthy are blocking it from even reaching the floor of the House in this Lame Duck session.

The Senate passed this non-controversial re-authorization unanimously last week. We cannot understand why the bill is being blocked now. Please email your member of the House of Representatives today to put pressure on the Speaker and Majority Leader and bring this bill to the floor.

Click here to go to the online petition at’s website; you can look up the contact info of your Representative and get a suggested message to send. (You can put in your own language if you want, or use theirs, whatever you prefer.)

Stop the Dangerous Politicization of the Office of Copyright

Sign the petition: Stop the Dangerous Politicization of the
Office of Copyright

We’re concerned about the current Senate Bill that would enact changes to the Copyright Office. Under this Senate Bill the Register of Copyrights (the position that overseas the Copyright Office). H.R. 1695 would politicize the office that controls copyrights by making the Register of Copyright a Presidential appointee. In its current role, the Copyright Office is staffed by professionals within the Library of Congress. They are responsible for providing information about copyright law to the government and, of course, they are responsible for the registration and recording of copyrightable works.

Moving copyright into an office that is subject to the president’s political agenda instead of its current non-political role under the care and management of the Library of Congress would subject that role to incredible political influence. It would mean that the role will be more susceptible to media and entertainment companies’ lobbyists, the same companies that want to increase their control over the way that the Internet works. It also means that there could be significant changes to the ways that Americans are allowed to work with books, movies, technology, music, and even your personal vehicles.

Many supporters of this bill are arguing falsely that H.R. 1695 is necessary in order to help “modernize” the Copyright Office. Under the leadership of Dr. Carla Hayden at the Library of Congress, the Copyright Office has already been modernizing. This work modernizing the office is long overdue. The lack of prior modernization was largely due to the political appointment of the previous Librarian of Congress who, as a Russian scholar, was appointed largely in response to the “Red Scare” and the Cold War instead of on the merits and abilities of librarianship. We believe that politicizing of the Register of Copyright would likewise have profound detrimental and lasting effects on the ability of that office to perform their duties.

The House of Representatives has already passed H.R. 1695 the “Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act”. So it’s up to the Senate to say No. Please tell your Senators not to turn the Register of Copyright into a political appointee.”

Celebrate holiday season in style!

Support Libraries and the work that we do!!