Participate in Minnesota Library Legislative Day AND Virtual Legislative Week!

We talk a lot about library advocacy at CMLE. That’s because it is super important! We need to be telling people (especially people who are in charge of making decisions about your library) just how vital library services are to schools, universities, and entire communities!

And good news: there is a day devoted to doing just that! On Tuesday, Feb. 26th you can go to the MN Capitol to speak with legislators and encourage them to support libraries!

Or, you can stay a bit closer to home and come to CMLE HQ in St. Cloud, where we will be hosting a Virtual Legislative Day! Our office will have snacks, sample texts for messages to send your representatives, and library advocacy postcards for you to send to stakeholders.

We’ll be available in our office from 9am – 6pm that day and hope you can stop in! We want to help make it easy for you to participate in MN Library Legislative Day and speak up for your library!

Watch this video for a quick intro to MN Library Legislative Day. Then make sure to visit the MN Library Advocacy Website! You can find more details about the day at the State Capitol with this post from MLA.