MN Library Legislative Week is coming! So many ways to participate!

Have you always wanted to participate in MN Library Legislative Day (or week) and just not known where to start?

Don’t worry, we can help! (And way to go for wanting to advocate for Minnesota libraries!!)

This year, Library Legislative Week is  February 25-March 1, 2019 and MN Library Legislative Day is February 26th

MLA and ITEM have this excellent site with TONS of Minnesota Library Advocacy info, including the 2019 Platform, advocacy videos, and even a Tool Kit for Legislative Day!

If reading all this information is a little overwhelming, we get it. Watch our website and social media for the release of a special Minnesota Library Advocacy Podcast Episode where we break down the four “asks” that we’re focusing on for this session.

If you can’t make it to St. Paul on the 26th but still want to participate in Legislative Day, come to our location in St. Cloud instead! We’re at 570 1st St. SE, right next to East Side Target.

We’ll have flashy new advocacy postcards, contact information for legislators, and sample text for you to use when contacting officials.

We’ll be available in our office from 9am – 6pm that day and hope you can stop in! We want to help make it easy for you to participate in MN Library Legislative Day and speak up for your library!

We need to be telling people (especially people who are in charge of making decisions about funding libraries) just how vital library services are to schools, universities, and entire communities!

If you’re planning on stopping in, let us know (not required) and we’ll be sure to have extra snacks on hand 🙂