Next Week: Virtual Library Legislative Week!

We are READY for next week! Legislator addresses printed and plenty of advocacy postcards to go around!

We hope you are getting ready to advocate for libraries!! Next week Feb. 25th – March 1st is Virtual Library Legislative Week!

Of course, during the week is Library Legislative Day on Feb. 26th, when Minnesota library people journey to St. Paul to tell our legislators just how important libraries are to our state!

If you aren’t able to make it to St. Paul, we encourage you to stop by our CMLE location in St. Cloud!

We’ll be here advocating for libraries all during Virtual Legislative Week but on Tuesday, Feb. 26th we’ll be here from 9am6pm with special treats, postcards, templates, addresses, and anything else you need to participate in advocating for libraries! Sign up below if you’re planning to attend and request a favorite snack! Email me at with any questions!

In the meantime, take a listen to our episode all about the current issues we’re working onthis legislative session. And if you want to learn more about all the ways you can participate in this important week, make sure to visit the MN Library Advocacy Website!