Episode 405: Natural Disasters

Welcome back to the show. We are so glad you are here, joining us for the book group discussion. This week we look at books on natural disasters.

Check out our show notes page, with links to the books we share, other resources for finding this genre, and the beverages we are enjoying!

Who is joining us this week? Our returning Guest Host is Ariel Kirst from the Great River Library System.

Natural disasters in books are kind of contradictory. On the one hand, it’s scary and potentially sad to read about terrible things happening. And on the other hand – it’s exciting and can be very inspirational to hear about the ways people banded together and overcame the disasters facing them.

When disaster happen around us, or the world feels like a huge dumpster fire of disaster, it can be comforting to read books about people who have had the worst happen – and have made it through. We can learn lessons, we can take comfort in their survival, we can be inspired by their struggle.

And if some days you are having a lousy life experience, and just want to check in on people who are having an even worse day – well, we’ve got suggestions for you!

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We love doing this, but podcasts aren’t free to create; so thank you so much to our book group members who have joined us. We love having you as part of the team.

Check out this episode!