Need some PD? We’ve Got it For You!

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We know that our school library people need PD time, so we are here to help you with it!

You probably know that our podcast, Linking Our Libraries, helps library people, across libraries and job titles, to strengthen their skills in library work. We know a lot of our members don’t have significant library training before they started working in the library. Not a problem!

Our storefront of classes available is here. All classes are free at this time, and will continue to be available to members at reduced cost down the road.

We have one hour of PD available for each of the eleven topics we are covered in Season Five of LOL. Classes are self-paced, and can be done on your own schedule. Flexibility is one of the big things people said they wanted in PD training, so we made it as flexible and easy to access as possible!

Classes are available to anyone, and we will be happy to give you certificates for one CE/Continuing Education credit per class finished if they apply to you. Or, just enjoy some extra learning that you can add on to your annual review to wow your supervisor!

We cover some general library skills in Season Five (available now!); and in Season Six we are focused on more skills specifically for school library staffers. (Starts Thursday, Dec. 19!) Season Six classes will be added weekly, as each podcast episode drops.

We want to make classes relevant to YOUR needs! So let us know topics important in your library. We can set up classes on literally any classes, or series of classes. Most of these topics were requested by our members, or they were some of the most commonly requested skills for library staffers.

For each topic that we cover, students will listen to the podcast, take a short quiz, then watch a video where we discuss reasoning for each of the answers. We anticipate it taking about an hour to work through a topic.

At the end, we give you information about how to get your certificate of completion for one hour of PD credit.

Our classes are hosted on the Podia website. You can set up a free account there, and have access to all of them. (They won’t spam you!)

Topics available now:

501       Cataloging: Basics and Ethics
  • 502       Customer Service
  • 503       Social Media
  • 504       Policies and Procedures
  • 505       Collection Development
  • 506       Children’s Services
  • 507       Answering Tech Question
  • 508       Web Design
  • 509       Displays
  • 510       Programs
  • 511      Stress Management
  • Season Six topics
    (available starting in December):

    • 601       Dec 19 Working With Teachers
    • 602       Dec 26 Professional Development
    • 603       Jan 2    Integrating Tech with Literacy
    • 604       Jan 9    Services for patrons with learning differences
    • 605       Jan 16  Starting new job/keeping job fresh
    • 606       Jan 23  Marketing the Library
    • 607       Jan 30  Connecting With Students (Student Powered Conference)
    • 608       Feb 6   Genealogy
    • 609       Feb 13 ISTE/Conference participation
    • 610       Feb 20 Digital Citizenship