Crafters And Readers: UNITE!

Winter is here!!! But we are not going to let that keep us inside and away from fun things!

Join us! We’re on as the group Relaxed Readers, and we are open to anyone who wants to come chat about books. And we know a lot of readers are crafters, so we’d love to have you join us in doing some crafting!

This Tuesday, Dec 03 · 6:00 PM, we’ll be at the Great River public library in St Cloud – ready to craft!

Join us for this session where you can bring your crafting work, get some projects underway (or done!), and chat with fellow crafters! Have a couple of uninterrupted hours to work on your crafting projects.

We’re fine if you bring dinner, or snacks, to enjoy while you work. (Obviously: please be careful with food and other people’s projects.)

Our agenda is, as it always is, relaxed. Start a new project, work on a years-long project (me!), or make some small things you can polish off in a short time.

If you have holiday crafting work, we would love to see it – and may pepper you with questions! (This might be a good time to make a dent in any craft projects you are planning to gift over the holidays.)

It doesn’t matter if you are a very experienced crafter, or (like me) a novice stumbling through some potentially interesting things. This is just an opportunity to get away from distractions, and spend some craft-focused time. Nobody is being graded – we are just here to have a nice time together!

We have a room at the Great River Regional Library in St Cloud, from 6:00pm to 8:00. We are in the Array room, Room 105. There will be tables with some space to spread out. (Again, obviously: everyone we be sharing space, so be considerate.)

Join us! Bring a friend! Let’s experience the hygge that’s only possible when you are inside, warm, and having fun, while it’s cold and snowy outside.