Armchair Travel to Minnesota State Parks

camping tent in a Minnesota State Park

Two of my very favorite things in the world are reading books, and spending time hiking/camping in nice places.

And people: Minnesota is a BONANZA for both of these passions!!!

I’ve been here a little more than three years now, so I know some great Minnesota things, but am still new enough that I get excited about how cool it is. I visited libraries and camped in state parks before I moved here – and both of them were incentives in wanting to be in Minnesota!!

Once you’ve lived in a state or two (looking hard at Illinois and Wisconsin) that are in various stages of economic shambles, you really appreciate living in a place where the most important basics for a good life are being handled. Yes, obviously, I mean libraries and state parks.

So we’re celebrating these two great Minnesota institutions with a book challenge set of suggestions!

You can join our Goodreads group: Armchair Travel to Minnesota State Parks!

For every state park and every state recreation area, we have a link to the park/area, the year it was established, and a quick fact about it. Working from that fact, we prompt you to go find a book that would in some small way celebrate that aspect of the park.

Any time you get stuck looking for books, and can’t quite figure out what you want to read next – we’re here for you! Read a book you find from a park prompt, and it’s like a double bonus gold star to you: a new book and a celebration of the park.

So, what would a prompt look like?

Maybe you have been to Grand Portage State Park. It’s waaaaay up there, the farthest north state park on the North Shore. And it has the tallest waterfall in the state. So we are celebrating that with the prompt: ” Enjoy a book with a waterfall on the cover, or as part of the story. “

Have you visited Big Stone Lake park? It’s over on the South Dakota border. Fossilized shark teeth have been found in the park. Explore that aspect of the park by reading a book that has a fossil.

They are pretty open – and are completely flexible. Nobody will judge whether you are reading the “right” book or a “good” book – whatever those might be. We’re just here to find books and enjoy them.

We’re not setting a time limit on this, so join us in reading a book any time. Then come tell us about it right there on the Goodreads page, and we can all admire the book!

And, while we can’t post photos to Goodreads, we would LOVE to see your pictures as you visit parks across this great state. So send them to us, so we can celebrate your adventures with you!

Happy reading! Visit a library and a park this weekend for the BEST Minnesota experience!