Browsing Books: Itasca State Park

We have a new podcast – just for you!!

We’ve been talking about our Goodreads challenge/game, and now we have a podcast to help you find books: Browsing Books: Itasca State Park.

We like books; we like parks – and Minnesota is lucky to have both of them! Join our Goodreads book challenge: Armchair Travel to Minnesota State Parks.

We give you a link to each state park, a short fact, and a prompt for you to find a book. You find it, and read a book, and then tell us all about it.

In this podcast, we give you a few suggestions for books to fit a prompt for each park. Try one of these books, or find one of your own to enjoy!

The first state park in Minnesota is Itasca State Park.…

We are celebrating that distinction with a prompt to read the first book in a series. You can also use any other book with a plot involving “first” status.

Listen to this podcast on your favorite podcast app! It is a small podcast that is helping people to keep occupied on the Reading With Libraries feed while we are producing new content on our library training podcast: Linking Our Libraries.

Search for Reading With Libraries on your favorite app (I like Pocket Cast, or Stitcher; but any of them is fine!). Subscribe. Wake up with a fun new podcast each week!!

Enjoy parks, enjoy books, and let’s get involved in sharing them together!