It’s always great to do our member events, where we get the chance to hang out with you, to chat about library issues, and to give you all the chance to meet with each other in person!
This week we have TWO opportunities to meet, chat, and have fun!
Join us Tuesday, Jan 21, from 6:00 to 8:00 (on your own schedule, drop in and out as you wish!) for crafting work! We will be in the Array Room at the Great River library. Come in the front door, turn right, and we are in the little room at the end of the hallway.
Bring your craft project, be prepared to oooh and aah over everyone’s work! And if you want to bring food or snacks for your consumption – great. (Please be prepared to be cautious with food and beverages around other people’s work, of course.)
And! There is more!!
This Thursday, Jan 23, from 6:00 to 8:00, also on your own schedule, we will be in the food court at Crossroads Mall. Bring your books, in any format you like, and be prepared to get some reading done! We know it can be hard to find time to get reading done; and some people would rather just read than chat about books. So we are here for you!!! (Okay, and we are fully prepared to read books, any time, any place!)
You can sign up for a free account on Meetup.com (they don’t spam you!), and get all of our events there. Or, of course, we will share everything here with you.
Join us!