Member Visit: Becker Primary School

You probably have noticed one of the most common things we say here: We are impressed by our members!

One of our main goals here at CMLE is to build relationships across our members, and to show everyone the cool things happening in all the libraries. (And I’ll tell you a secret: EVERY library has something cool happening!!! I’ve been in libraries across the entire country, and there is always something interesting to admire!)

This was a quick visit to the Becker Primary School. I was there to drop off a VR kit for them to use with their K-2 students, and despite the fact that I arrived at a difficult time – while Cindy was getting ready to teach a class in the library – she showed me around their great resources. And it was so neat!!

Sorry, this pictures is all out of proportion. But you can see the space the students have, the kid-friendly sized shelves, and all those nice books available!!

A look at the really cute shelves- and all the other nice things available here for the kids! It’s important in any library, especially in a school library, to make things colorful and attractive. And look what a nice job they are doing here! Art everywhere!! I love this!!

And look at this! The little display area is cute on its own – nice chairs, good books. And behind it is an area for kids to work with staff on a more individual basis. Providing this kind of space for a more personalized learning experience is so good! Libraries are here to help people connect with information in all kinds of ways – and it’s great to see that happening here. Other libraries could use this model for a pretty inexpensive way to provide quality service.

I have to tell you, my heart melted right about here! LIllian Nelson was a teacher here for 40 years, and was apparently very interested in encouraging good literacy skills! So on a regular basis, the library changes over the theme of the bulletin board, and the students and teachers contribute their own reading progress. How adorable is this!!! I just loved it! And again – something you could do in your own library. (Connecting with your users, no matter where you are, is always going to be a good idea!)

Displays are a key element in any library! And this poster has a great idea: 20 minutes of reading every day makes a huge difference in the vocabulary kids develop, and in their own reading skills. Getting started off on the right foot with reading can make so many things easier down the road – it’s priority skills every school library should be working to encourage.

And I used to work in bookstores, so I’ve heard a million times: the cover art sells the book. Setting up this cute display with the books faced out will help them to move along faster. Combining them with these cute toys really attracts kids attention to them! Are you setting up regular displays in your library? It’s a good way to keep your books “fresh” in the minds of your patrons!

(Remember: a perfect collection development policy would have every single book checked out, and in the hands of happy readers! None of us are ever going to get there, exactly; but a book in every hand should be your goal.)

I was on my way out the door, after having such a nice time, and saw this out in hallway. It’s probably pretty obvious by now: I have a huge love of libraries, of all sort, and the amazing value they bring to people’s lives. Showing this kind of research, about a very specific and concrete way your library can make an impact in the life of a kid, is really powerful.

Library work can feel frustrating on a day-to-day basis, and it’s hard to see the impact you are making. But know that the resources you are providing – the books, the materials, the programs, the services – they may be the only access your students have to this stuff. Helping kids to get started well in school, and then to keep building on that for themselves, can make an enormous difference in the life of that kid. And their parents. And their future kids. You probably won’t see all the ripples you are putting out into the world have these big effects; but you can see the big pictures in a better community for everyone.

Yes, really. That book you put into the hands of a kid today? It can mean a shift to a better life for a dozen people around her.

Your work matters. Libraries are important. Hang on to that idea on the days when everything is hard!

2 thoughts on “Member Visit: Becker Primary School”

  1. Thank you for the encouragement and your kind words about our Becker Primary School media center. ~Cindy

    1. It was so nice to see everything you have! Sorry I interrupted your teaching, but I really appreciated the chance to talk and to see your library.

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