Looking for Member Feedback!

Hello to our member library people!

We are a multitype library system, serving libraries of all sorts. We cover twelve counties, serving every library in those counties: Aitkin, Benton, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd and Wright.

We are one of seven multitype library systems across the state.
Currently, our two public library members are considering proposals to dissolve CMLE as it is now. It would be replaced with a plan that would move CMLE into Great River library system, and start another multitype library system in the East Central library system.

Services CMLE would provide are not set yet – this is still in early planning stages; but we would no longer provide any services to libraries in Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties. (This includes: training, scholarships, mini-grants, advocacy, VR kits, etc.)

Services to be offered by the proposed new multitype system are also not set yet. It would be based at the public library in Cambridge. At least some of the services now provided by CMLE would likely be duplicated to be available to those members.

State approval, and funding levels, are not set yet.

The ECRL board has voted to approve a resolution to move forward with this plan, and the Great River board is considering it now. We are attaching the proposed resolution below.

The CMLE board is going to vote on the proposed resolution at a meeting on Wed Feb. 12.

We are reaching out for some member comments, to share with the Board as they make a decision. So we are asking you to think about the services a multitype can provide to your library, and give us some thoughts.

You can go to this survey, and take about five minutes to provide thoughts. (Or, click here!)

Or, just email us at admin@cmle.org and tell us about your experiences with CMLE, share some ideas, and thoughts on this possible plan.

Thank you for your answers!!

Your ideas are important as decisions are made about your service.