Join Us! Member Events For You!

We have really enjoyed meeting with so many of you, in visits to your library, in training sessions, and at our member events!

Join us! We have a few events coming up, and you know things are always better when you join us! We will have all these events here on our website, and if you want other reminders you can join our group: Relaxed Readers. You can download their app and find out not only about our events, but all sorts of other events you might enjoy.

Join us for chatting about books – any books that you are enjoying! Bring a book, or just bring yourself. We’ll enjoy dinner, sharing books, and getting to know each other!

Let’s enjoy some hygge time – keep the cold and dark outside, while we enjoy the warmth, light, food, and good book conversation inside!

Join us for chatting about books – any books that you are enjoying! Bring a book, or just bring yourself. We’ll enjoy coffee and snacks, sharing books, and getting to know each other! If any of our St Cloud members want to carpool, let us know!

Did you set a New Year’s resolution to read more books? Do you just like to read books – but you are always scrambling to make time?

We get it. It’s hard to find the time. But we have an answer for you! Join us to enjoy some reading time! We aren’t going to talk, we aren’t going to analyze our book with others, we aren’t going to share plot points. We are going just sit. And read. And enjoy ourselves!

Susan Steinberg: 2020 McNeely Creative Writer in Residence

This is another author event at St. Benedict’s College. We are meeting up there, and can sit together for this author presentation. Susan Steinberg’s first novel Machine will be published by Graywolf in August 2019. She is also author of the story collections Spectacle (Graywolf), Hydroplane (FC2), and The End of Free Love (FC2).