Using VR: Using VR In Hospitals For Kids

We have looked at a lot of different uses for VR. We have kits we loan out to our members, filled with all sorts of educational programming. And we are looking at a new use for VR each week here.

This week’s VR story seems like a great one! Too often kids have to be in hospitals, and it’s a scary time for everyone. Using VR is a good tool to help keep those fears dialed down.

Check out this excerpt from the article, and click the link to read the whole thing, and to see their images!

Virtual reality app aims to make hospitals less scary for children

“A virtual reality app to help children prepare for surgery and reduce their anxiety ahead of going into hospital has been launched by Sligo University Hospital.

The ‘Little Journey’ app is geared towards children aged between three and 13 and it gives them 360 degree views of all the areas they will visit at the hospital.

It also has information about anaesthesiology, which is tailored to their age.

Speaking about the anxiety children and parents can feel before undergoing general anaesthesia, Dr Anne Dolan, Consultant Anaesthesiologist at SUH said: “Children may have anxiety around the clinical environment, their expectation of events, meeting unfamiliar people and even fear of pain.”