VR Stories: An AR Pianist Playing In Real Life

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We have all kinds of educational images in the VR kits we have to loan out to our members. And to help everyone keep looking informed about the assorted uses of VR and AR in all sorts of areas, we keep sharing information with you!

This week we found a very cool article about a strategy to help people shopping for pianos to make the best decisions. Pianos are really expensive, and this app – AR Pianist – will let you see someone playing the instrument you are looking at, to let you see what would be possible for it to sound like. “What’s cool about our Core ML model is that it works with any piano model or brand under any lighting condition, without the need to use special image targets or markers or the need to scan the piano model ahead of time.”

Video Of An AR Pianist Playing
A Real Piano Is Going Viral

“In case you haven’t seen it, a new tweet from a medical doctor, software entrepreneur, and 3D artist, Fayez Salka shows him using AR technology to bring a virtual piano player to life on a real-world piano.

The video, which has already garnered almost 200K views on Twitter and continues to climb, shows Salka walking through a piano store aiming his phone’s camera at various pianos. Instantly, an AR pianist appears and begins playing different songs from a handful of award-winning pianists while sheet music of the corresponding notes scrolls across the bottom in real-time.

The app uses machine learning to detect the piano, and then figures out the exact 3D position and orientation of your piano in a 3D space down to 1 cm accuracy. It does this just by looking at a single frame and without the use of 3D depth cameras. “

Check out the entire article here, and watch the video!