Episode 502 : YA Books for Boys

Episode 502 graphinc

Hello! Thank you for joining us on Reading With Libraries! We’re so glad you could be here to enjoy our book group podcast.

You can find our full show notes here, with links to all the beverages we enjoyed and to the books we discussed.

We are the Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange, and we support libraries of all types: schools, publics, academics, and special libraries and archives. We started this podcast to provide useful information for library people doing Reader’s Advisory work. There are so many books out there that it’s tough to be an expert on all of them. So we pick a new genre each week to chat about and hopefully provide you with some insight into what may be an unfamiliar genre!

This week we’re discussing YA books that help teen boys to develop a love of reading. We’ll share book titles and ideas to encourage them to form strong reading habits while still in school. 

We are so pleased to welcome back a Guest Host with firsthand experience with this issue – Bethany Kauffman, media specialist from Rogers High School!