Let’s Go: Book Group Discussion! (New Location!!)

Join us for chatting about books – any books that you are enjoying! Bring a book, or just bring yourself. We’ll enjoy dinner, sharing books, and getting to know each other!

This Wednesday: March 11, 5:30 at La Casita Restaurant, 314 Division St · Waite Park, MN

If you like books, we would be happy to see you! No need to be a big reader, or to only read “good” books (whatever those are) – this is a casual, fun group of people who want to chat about books they are reading.

Let’s enjoy some hygge time – keep the cold and dark outside, while we enjoy the warmth, light, food, and good book conversation inside!

Have something great you read? Tell us! Have a book we should avoid? Warn us!

Join us! Enjoy spending some time together!