Support a CMLE Member Donors Choose project!

We love to support our members, and we definitely love Donors Choose!!!!

Making donations to Donors Choose, for all sorts of classroom projects, has been my default gift for many years. I really enjoy being able to find some great projects, and then supporting them in the name of the person I’m gifting.

Teachers and library staff can write up a need they have, people who want to give a little money can search for a program you like – or a school in a location you like. We all band together, everyone contributing a little bit, and hopefully the project gets funded. You will usually receive some completely adorable thank you notes from the kids receiving the program, and they are fantastic!

So it’s very exciting that one of our members is participating in a Donors Choose request!

Check out this proposal from Amy P. Campbell, the Media Specialist at North Junior High:

Creative and Crafty Kids

“Help me give my students creative inspiration and resources to develop their creativity. This includes markers, drawing books, and other items.

My Students

My school has a diverse group of students including a large number of Somalian refugee students, a dozen new to country students this year alone, and many students that qualify for free or reduced lunch. Many of my students are reading below grade level and are reluctant to read large chapter books. However, they will reread their favorite graphic novels and illustrated chapter books over and over again.

I want to make sure that all students have access to books they already love and new books that they will love.

Graphic novels are a great way to get students addicted to reading.

My Project

My students have requested drawing and origami books for the library. I am also trying to establish a makerspace in my media center. I hope to expand my makerspace a little each year.

My goal is to foster a love of creativity and hands-on crafting activities, as well as create a safe, creative community space for students to share their creative endeavors and learn new ones.

I want the media center to be a fun place to spend time with books, creativity, and other students. I want students to work together to create beautiful things, or silly ones. Thank you!”

You can click on Amy’s proposal to get a list of all the proposed items that could be purchased with this program.

Does your school library have a donors choose proposal? We will share it! Do you want to set up a proposal? We can help you!