Do you have a 3D Printer? Let’s #HackThePandemic!

3D printed medical mask

Do you have a 3D printer?

If your library has one, can you safely go in and do some printing?

If so – this would be a really useful project!!

From the website of Copper3D:


“Hospitals around the world are close to running out of N95 masks in the middle of the worst pandemic of XXI century! Our purpose as a company has always been related to making a positive impact and tackle #GlobalChallenges through #Innovation, #Nanotechnology and #AntimicrobialMaterials. Our purpose leads us to solve this problem in a low-cost, quick, and descentralized way through #DistributedManufacturing. We propose a #Reusable, #Customizable, #Modular, #Antimicrobial and #Antiviral #3Dprinted #RespiratorSystem made with #Copper3D high quality nanocomposite #PLACTIVE.

Let’s HACK this #Pandemic with #Nanotech, #ActiveMaterials, #3DPrinting and #DistributedManufacturing.

Basically, there is a breakdown in the global stock of this product, and it is a basic necessity, especially for Healthcare personnel who are at the forefront of fighting this disease. In many countries the authorities have also recommended the use of these masks (or similar) on public transport. These masks, despite being effective, also have some problems such as a short lifecycle (about 8 hours), and have another even more serious problem. Respiratory viruses, specifically SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) can live up to 72 hours on different surfaces. This is a problem since using a conventional mask, at the end of the day we would have a high viral/bacterial load trapped within millimeters of our nose and mouth, further exposing ourselves to these dangerous microbes.”

This is not something most of us will be able to do. (Unlike sewing fabric face masks, which all of us can do!) If you have access to a 3D printer, and can get the filaments, you could help to save lives!

Other sources to buy the right filaments:


This is so impressive work by this company! “Copper3D decided to immediately release the patent (which was filed and pending) so that this design would be completely Open Source. This is probably the first case in the history of 3D printing that the same design is downloaded massively worldwide to prevent more deaths in the context of a pandemic.”

Truly a case of a company putting global need over their own profits. Please remember this, and support this company when you can with your later 3D printing purchases.

Things aren’t too scary right now, but experts are forecasting a lot of scary things are coming very quickly. It helps to keep our own stress levels down if we can do things to contribute! And we can help other people with our work.

Stay home. Stay healthy. Do some sewing. And if you can 3D print – here is a wonderful project!!!!