Want Real Mail? We Want to Send It To You!

We Need School Libraries! postcard

Research shows highest achieving students attend schools with well-staffed and funded libraries. 

Central MN Libraries Exchange 

Whether you are enjoying the peace and solitude of staying home, or are going a little bonkers being trapped at home – we are all starting to appreciate how nice it is to get the mail each day.

And CMLE wants to send you a cheerful note!

We will be sending out special postcards to ANYONE who signs up. (They should be here to send out in the next few days.) Angie designed them, and they are very cheerful!

Do you want a cheerful postcard? Sign up!

Do you have kids, or grand-kids, who would like a postcard sent directly to them? Sign up!

Do you have students who can check with their adults, then sign up to get a postcard? Share this link!

We’re all going to be home for a while. It’s important to do things that help to keep up our basic happiness levels. While a postcard isn’t going to fix everything – but we think it will give you a little lift to know that someone is thinking about you!

Sign up yourself. Share this link with LITERALLY ANYONE! This is not just for our members, not just for people in Minnesota. We will be happy to send out a little happy postcard anywhere in the US. (Heck, I’ll even figure out how to send it internationally if that’s important for you!)

We are thinking of you. Don’t forget that you are part of the CMLE team! We are all together in this – and we are here to support you and the work you are doing.

Hang in there – we’ve got this! And, get a postcard!