Some Training From Our VR Vendor!

Official Office Bear Orville, with a VR kit and podcasting equipment

Our vendor for the VR kits we loan to school libraries ClassVR. And they are offering some short Q&A sessions you can join! Here is their information:

Every working day in March we will be holding live Q&A sessions at 10am and 12pm (EST). These will include:

1) A brief overview of the ClassVR device and an opportunity for any hardware related questions

2) A summary of the ClassVR portal, our resources, integrations and classroom management tools

3) And, of course, a lively and interactive Q&A at the end.

In addition, attendees also get access to one of our demonstration accounts throughout March and April. You will be able to browse all of our resources including our CoSpaces and ThingLink integrations.

Should further information about ClassVR be required, please do feel free to reach out or browse the downloads section of our website here:

Many thanks,


Hannah Gwynne Education Specialist   Book a webinar here: