We Are Here For You; You Can Support Us Too!

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We hope everyone is adjusting to being at home, and sharing your work with your community members online. It’s a big change for a lot of us, so be patient with yourself and just give yourself time to get settled into this new lifestyle.

You can do it. We’re here for you.

If you have not seen the resources we have available to libraries, we are collecting them here. Anyone can take these things, add them to your website, send them out in social media, email them in newsletters, talk about them in Zoom chats – whatever works for you.

As a multitype library system, our job is to support all types of libraries: school, academic, public, and special. We want to give you as much material as possible, so you can be spending more time on the other important work you need to do right now!

And we can use your support too!

Are you spending a little more time than usual shopping at Amazon.com? We hear you – it’s happening here too!

This is a link to some collected material from Amazon for Schools and Teaching. If you click on that link, and buy anything in this category, or anything AT ALL from Amazon – they will give us a small percent of the profits on your purchase. This is a way Amazon helps to support non-profit organizations like ours.

You don’t have to do anything extra. You don’t have to give any additional information.

All you do is just do whatever you were going to do, and if you were going to buy things at Amazon – that is enough to help support us.

Thanks so much!!!! We really appreciate your help!!!!

Have you been enjoying our book group podcast Reading With Libraries? Are you sharing it with your library patrons? (It’s fine to do that! Your patrons already like books – give them another resource to help them find more books!)

If you want to help support the podcast, you can join our Patreon! (It’s right here.)

Angie made the graphics. Official Office Dog Lady Grey posed for pictures. And it’s just a teamwork operation of support! For $1 a month, we will send you a postcard signed by Lady Grey. (She did such a good job, we are really proud of her paw prints on the postcards!)

Other rewards are available at different levels of support. And every week, Patreon supporters get a secret behind-the-scenes fact about the episode. (It’s worth the 25 cents a week it would cost to support at $1 a month!)

And if you want to send in an email, card, or letter to tell us about a way that CMLE has helped you, and your library, that would be great! We are collecting stories of support, and would love to hear from you!!!

Stay home, stay healthy!

We’re here for you, and we appreciate your support too.