Hey – Wanna Be On A Podcast?

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We hope you have already been listening to our book group podcast, Reading With Libraries! This is a good time to be part of a flexible book group. Join us! We talk about a different genre each week, we drink beverages related to the genre, and we chat with our Guest Host about books.

We usually record this in our in-office studio, but you may have heard – there’s a global pandemic happening, and we want you to stay home and stay healthy.

So we are going to open this up to people who can record from their homes! We are looking forward to chatting with some people who have not had a chance to participate because they couldn’t make it over to our office.

Do you have a genre you like? We want to talk about it with you!

We will write up the script, we will find the resources to discuss, and we will find the beverages for the episode. We will bring books to chat about in your genre.

You need to be have a microphone with a USB plug – not the microphone on your computer. (We want you to sound good!) And you need to come ready to chat about four or five books.

If you have that, send me an email: mary@cmle.org. Tell me a genre, or two, that you like. Send me a day/time that works for your schedule. And let’s see what we can get set up!

Our book group can always use some new members – and we would really like talking with you about books. Join us!