Ready To Get Fancy? Let’s Make Masks!

photo of sewing machines

We talked about this a couple of weeks ago, and now that the CDC has recommended we all wear masks out in public, especially when it’s hard to keep our distance, it’s a great time to follow up!

This can be a great time for your creative side to really shine!! Do you have some cool fabric? Something hanging around the house that could be transformed into a mask? Since this is going to be a big change for everyone already, we might as well make some fancy, stylish masks so we stand out for our awesomeness!

Remember: these masks are not going to be medical/hospital quality. They are for YOU to show your respect to your neighbors, friends, and community members! They may stop YOU from transmitting a virus that you couldn’t even know you have yet. People with the virus may have no symptoms yet – and still be sharing it with everyone they see.

I might be fine if I get it, you might be fine if you do. But my mom is nearly 80 and in bad health – and if one of us gives her COVID-19 that might kill her.

So, even though it feels weird, even though it feels awkward – wear a mask when you go to the grocery store or to other such places. Let’s do what we can to not let my mom get sick, or your mom, or all those other people out there.

Show your respect, and let’s wear masks. All the cool people will be doing it!

I’ll put in a quick note to update the instructions (below) we gave out at that time: finding elastic at this point is probably a big challenge. Consider adding in some tie strings you can use instead.

Do you sew? Well, do you sew yet? Because it’s just not that hard to do some basic sewing. (I know: I can do basic sewing! It’s not hard.) Sewing some face masks now would be a good way to spend time!

This link goes to the Instructables website. You will find patterns and directions, and photos, to make masks for adults and for children.

DIY Cloth Face Mask
Stylish AND helpful!!

What do you need to get started???? They tell you right here:

  • 9″ x 15″ fabric outer layer
  • 9″ x 15″ fabric lining layer
  • (3 regular or large size masks of either design, can be made from 1/4 yard (9″) of 45” wide fabric)
  • 3” piece of soft wire (this can be decorative wire as shown, or picture wire, or even a paper clip if that’s all you can find)
  • approx. 22” of elastic cord (child size length 10″, regular size length 11-12″, large size length 13″)

You can choose any tightly woven cotton or cotton/poly fabric you like. Hold it up to the light to see how tight the weave is. Use the same fabric for outer and lining if you want, or use different ones to help you remember which side is clean and which dirty.

The research (see links at the end) shows 100% cotton having some effectiveness. Cotton/polyester blends may have additional properties of repelling water, making them better barriers to keep droplets from soaking through outer layers.”

Set up a Zoom session, sew with friends, and let’s get some good things going!