Episode 508: Books for Springtime

Episode 508 Books for Springtime logo

Thank you for joining us on Reading With Libraries! We are so glad you are here to join our book group podcast!

This week we’re embracing the season and talking about books to enjoy during spring. Thank you so much to frequent Guest Host Ariel for joining us!

Each week we like to connect the theme of our books with our beverages. Today we have drinks that channel the excitement of springtime! All the recipes for beverages are on our show notes page.

We’re excited to share books with spring themes like flowers and gardens, or simply books that are even more enjoyable in the spring.

You can click on any of the links on our show notes pages to go to Amazon.com for more information about the books we shared this week. If you buy anything while you are there, Amazon will give us a small percent of their profits from your purchase. Thanks in advance for helping to support the mission of CMLE – we appreciate it!

Spring is such a relief after long Minnesota winters so we hope we’ve shared some books that can make your enjoyment of the season even better!

Thank you to Ariel for joining us again for a great discussion!

Join us next Thursday with another genre, more guest hosts for our book group, and more books to share and discuss. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you don’t miss a single episode! And if you want to hear more about the work we do in libraries or expand your library skills, check out our podcast Linking Our Libraries!

Bring your book ideas, bring your beverages, and join us back here on Thursday!