We Want To Record Your Stories!

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It’s been a rough few weeks. The professional work changes, in having to move online, to provide so much information online, and everything else involved in our work. And personally, going through all the changes necessary to be stay healthy in a global pandemic, are hard.

We are in an information profession. And CMLE wants to gather your stories! We want to hear from you, so you can tell us what is going on in your library, and how you are coping with everything.

We want to collect these stories, and share them on our podcast. Hopefully, this will be our only global pandemic. And it won’t be over any time soon, so sharing our information will be helpful to us all.

We really want you to email us, and tell us a day that’s good for you. We will set up a Skype session, and record about ten minutes.

We will ask you questions. You can share your stories and experiences. Tell us about your students. About the new software you are learning. About the strategies you are using to reach out to patrons. About the things are are going great. About the things that are really hard.

Email us: admin @ cmle.org. Tell us a day that works for you. (We’re home, our schedules are flexible!) Let’s collect lots of information from all kinds of library people, from all over the place.

Join us!