National Library Legislative Week from Home

American Library Association

This is from the ALA. Join us this week in talking about libraries!

Participate in National Library Legislative Week—May 4 through May 8—from Home

While our in-person NLLD 2020 was canceled, ALA is hosting a week’s worth of advocacy training and activities for library advocates of all kinds. Typically, NLLD has a registration cost and specialized trainings, like the Congressional Management Foundation webinar, are available to ALA members only. During this critical moment, we are opening access to everyone. Our vision is that library advocates will have the opportunity to hear from each other, to train virtually, and to continue creating connections and relationships with decision makers at every level of government. 

This is an unsettling time, but here’s the truth: advocacy is more important now than ever before. This week of training aims to prepare us to take the leap forward, to expand our skillsets, and to pioneer new forms of digital outreach.

Knowing we are all balancing screen time with multiple responsibilities at home, the week is a “design your own path” program based on your preference and availability. Tune in every day between May 4 and May 8 for live afternoon sessions and complete advocacy actions when you can. All trainings are free and recordings will be available on our website through May 31.


  • 5 Minutes — Thank and share an impact story with your member of Congress. Take Action here:
  • 30 Minutes — Join us at 4pm EST for a virtual training with the Congressional Management Foundation on connecting with elected officials while social distancing. Register here:


  • 15 Minutes — Call us and leave a voicemail about your library’s impact on your community. Put a voice to your story by recording it on the ALA Advocacy Hotline: 202-403-8221


  • 5 Minutes — Given the impact of COVID19, advocacy at all levels is critical. Sign up with your local chapter as an advocate:
  • 30 Minutes — Mini Chapter Advocacy Exchange: How three chapters are pivoting from in-person to online advocacy. Register here.


  • 15 Minutes — Watch as ALA advocates host a mock meeting with Congressional staff and hear insights on how to build relationships in this virtual moment. Register here.


  • 5 Minutes: Tell us about your meetings with your elected officials. Take Action here:
  • 30 Minutes: Chapter Advocacy Exchange: How three chapters are collecting stories for digital advocacy. Register here.
ALA Virtual Library Legislative Week infographic