Episode 512: Pandemic

Episode 312 Pandemics logo

Thank you for joining us on Reading With Libraries! We are so glad you are here to join our book group podcast!

We are the Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange, and we work with all types of libraries.We started this podcast to provide information for our library community doing Reader’s Advisory work. It’s hard to be an expert on ALL of the great books out there! 

So we pick a new genre each week to chat about and hopefully provide you with some insight into what may be an unfamiliar genre!

This week we do want to give you a heads up that we’re discussing a topic that might not be for everyone – books about or featuring pandemics. Based on current events, we thought people might be interested to learn more, but we also recognize this content may not be what you want to hear right now!

So, consider this your content warning! And keep in mind if this episode’s topic is not for you, Reading With Libraries has TONS of other episodes to choose from 🙂 

This week’s Additional Host is Ariel Kirst, from Great River Public Library!

You can find our full show notes page here, with links to the beverages we enjoyed and the books we shared today.