Ideas for Summertime Reading🌞

Even when life is (relatively) more normal, helping keep your students and/or kids current with their reading skills over summer break can be a challenge! We’ll share some ideas here and link to articles with helpful suggestions. When all else fails, maybe suggest a reading picnic, with treats involved! 😊📚🌳

Some favorite ideas:

  • Of course, your local library probably usually has a great summer reading program. Check with them to see if they have made alternative plans for this year.
  • Write a letter to your child, student, or young reader in your life and send it in the mail! Getting mail is exciting!
  • Family reading time (can do this over Zoom, too!) Everyone grab a book or magazine and spend 10-30 minutes reading together. Or, if you have very small readers, let them see you reading. They will probably want to “borrow” the book you are finding so interesting.
  • Build a book nook! Use pillows, blankets, a real tent, whatever you can find, to create a cozy fort just for reading!

Links to helpful articles:

Any great summer reading tips of your own? Share in the comments!