Check out this webinar from NCompass! If you miss the live version, you can always go back and check the recording.
It’s not enough to do our standard “this is what we always do” services and materials – all libraries need to be constant working to reach out to all members of our communities, not just the ones we see every day.
You can go here to register.
“How often does your library make decisions about services offered without checking with library users first? Are library administrators or external agents making decisions on behalf of library patrons without understanding their needs? Are you puzzling over why some of your programs are poorly attended, or services under utilized? Do you sometimes feel like you are floundering in the dark, trying to make sense of patron behavior? Have you done usability testing, but need to go beyond that to learn even easier methods for assessing and improving library services?
In this session we will discuss ways to know your users better through some powerful UX techniques like: creating user personas, diagramming user journey maps, conducting focus groups and surveys, field studies, and card sorting. This session, conducted by a librarian at a university and a UX professional from the private sector, will include demonstrations showcasing both qualitative and quantitative UX methods. Attendees will leave with ready models to put to work in their library.
Presenters: Jennifer DeJonghe, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Metropolitan State University; Rich Harrison, User Experience Consultant, Horizontal.
NCompass Live is broadcast live on Wednesdays, from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website or use the World Clock Time Zone Converter. In the Time Zone Converter, NCompass Live is broadcast from U.S.A – Nebraska – Lincoln.
The show is recorded for anyone who may want to watch it again or who cannot attend at the scheduled time. Registration is not required to view the archived recordings.
NCompass Live is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. GoToWebinar login instructions are sent to registered attendees after registration for a session has closed. The Registration End date is listed on each session page, but usually closes on the Monday night before the date of the session.
Please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones. “