Racial Equity Listening Sessions
As stated in our LSTA Five-Year Plan, “identifying and advancing equity along with responding to institutional and structural racism is a principal interest of State Library Services.” This work is taking on more urgency in the wake of George Floyd’s killing; our commitment is to keep our focus on racial equity even as the protests subside.
Our next step is a series of listening sessions, scheduled in July and August, to hear from library staff about their experiences with racial equity work in libraries. These sessions are full, but the input from these sessions will shape our future initiatives in supporting libraries in their work toward racial equity.
Looking at Summer Learning
As summer learning programs launch around the state (check out this movie trailer from Hoyt Lakes Public Library), our colleagues Ashley Bieber and Leah Larson continue to hold weekly calls on summer learning.
This is a chance to connect with youth services colleagues around the state to share ideas about summer learning, virtual programming, and ways libraries can support youth and families during this time.
Weekly meeting times are TBD. Contact Ashley Bieber or Leah Larson to add your name to the email list.
REALM: Test Plan Released
REALM is the research partnership between OCLC, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and Battelle. The project has released two updates: a test plan for determining how long library and archival materials need to be left alone before the COVID-19 virus is undetectable, and the literature review that informed the test plan.
For more information on this first round of testing and other activities, visit the “Happening Now” project update page. For more on the scope, timeline, and committees involved with #REALMproject, visit oc.lc/realm-project. And to receive future project updates directly, complete the REALM project update sign-up form.
Find Your Way to Fairyland
With imagination and determination, the Waseca-Le Sueur Regional Library System has transformed their Fairytale and Folklore Festival into a series of virtual and in-person events through June and July.
They’ve put together a dizzying schedule of activities, inviting renowned fairytale and folktale authors and illustrators to share their stories and craft. Check the schedule to see how you can participate in enhanced story walks, a shadow puppet performance and workshop, book clubs, ukelele sing-a-longs, craft projects, and more.
All events are free and open to the public. Most events require advance registration. Register on the Waseca-LeSueur Regional Library System website.
About State Library Services
State Library Services, a division of the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), partners with libraries to achieve equity and excellence in our collective work for Minnesotans. Division staff are consultants who help libraries plan, develop and implement high-quality services that address community needs. State Library Services administers federal grant, state aid, and state grant programs that benefit all types of libraries.”