We have said this many times, but of course it’s worth repeating: school libraries are so important and so valuable!
There is a lot to do, to keep serving our communities no matter what happens next. But, of course, you are never alone in your library! We are here for you. And we have a lot of resources to share.
Check out all of these materials from the American Association of School Librarians:
- School Librarian Role in Pandemic Learning Conditions School librarians fulfill five important roles: instructional partner, teacher, leader, information specialist, and program administrator, all of which highlight the profession’s skill at building relationships and creating an inclusive school culture. During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools need this librarian skill set more than ever as they adapt to meet the current needs of learners in a constantly changing learning environment.
- Latest CDC Guidance on COVID-19 For the latest resources and developments on COVID-19, check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID-19 website. The site offers information on how the virus spreads, symptoms, and prevention and treatment.
- AASL Town Halls AASL for 10 weeks, AASL held town halls for school librarians to connect with AASL leaders and staff about the impact the pandemic is having on schools and the AASL community. For the archive, visit: AASL Town Hall: The Show Must Go On(line).
- FREE Vendor Resources for Online Instruction/Activities Check out the AASL Complimentary Resources Clearinghouse, which lists free activities and resources being offered by AASL vendor partners and exhibitors to school librarians and educators. Share the list with other educators in your school or district to help them engage with their learners. The list will be updated as new resources/activities become available.
You can find more resources on the AASL page.