Check out these really good tips from the University of Toronto libraries on strategies for getting rid of that pesky false information!
(Seriously: Wear A Mask! Don’t be one of the selfish jerks that are in my grocery store and making me grind my teeth to dust in fury.)
“Every day there’s new and sometimes conflicting information and research coming out about COVID-19 origins, prevention, symptoms, treatments, and potential cures or vaccines.
Unfortunately, medical misinformation is spreading even faster. Sometimes, it’s scientific studies being badly misinterpreted. Other times, it’s more deceptive. Buying into misinformation could lead to dangerous consequences for your health and the health of your loved ones.
The next time someone shares a COVID-19 ‘fact’ via text or social media, verify it before you share it! Use this checklist to protect yourself from the COVID-19 infodemic:
- 1. Verify what fact-checking organizations have to say:
- 2. Confirm what the CURRENT medical evidence says from authoritative health-focused sites:
- 3. Read beyond the headline (or copied + pasted Facebook post):
- a) Check the source(s)
- b) Check what other trusted places report
- c) Scan for bias and deception in the tone, word choice, and images
- d) Check the credentials/reputation of the researcher”
Read more information about each of these on the university website.