This is a new program that you can use to check your internet speed at home, at your library, and share with your patrons. Internet speed, and how fast things can upload and download, will be extremely important as we provide library and academic services remotely to our community members. Having some data on how it is working will help everyone to understand how things are going.
“Minnesota residents can now perform a one-minute broadband access and speed survey!
Using the easy-to-follow instructions, anyone can complete the speed test at home using any computer or mobile device.
Those with no internet access at their homes are encouraged to visit a local library or drive-in hotspot in their community, or use their mobile device to take the survey and check the “no available service” button to record their physical address. This simple access and speed survey will result in statistically valid data and mapping for decision makers to plot a course for Minnesota’s ambitious broadband expansion plans.”
Test your computers today! Just go to the website for the MN Rural Broadband Coalition.