Courses & Copyright in the time of COVID

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You know that we are big fans of copyright here, and in making sure you are available to help your community to stay safe in this area!

So we are really recommending that people sign up for the free webinar! It is yet another good program from Minitex!

Register here

Nancy Sims, Copyright Program Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries

  • Date: Wednesday, August 26
  • Time: 1:00-2:30pm
  • Cost: No charge

“Copyright often comes up in instructional contexts, from showing films in class, to sharing course readings on paper or electronically, to students’ copyrights in the work they produce. A lot of these issues remain the same in online teaching, but some of them change or are more difficult to address in a purely-online or less-predictable teaching environment.

This session will review some of the easy ways to share course materials that don’t raise copyright issues or cost additional money, and also explore some of the options that may be more complicated or costly. We’ll plan for a fairly interactive session (Zoom permitting), so there will be time for the audience to ask questions.”

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