Reclosing … after Reopening

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We are all having our very first global pandemic in our lifetimes, and there are not a lot of quick and easy answers for anyone.

Well, there are a few:

  • Wear a mask!
  • Keep a social distance from people!
  • Wash hands frequently!
  • Stay home when possible!

Those are basic, and every single person should be doing these things to help us smack down the virus.

And then what? That’s the hard part.

Check out this article excerpt from American Libraries (the journal from the ALA), and read the entire article here:

“From quickly setting up curbside service to figuring out virtual programming, libraries around the country have had to scramble to react to the ever-changing realities of the coronavirus pandemic, all while trying to keep staffers and patrons safe. Some libraries that have reopened after closing in the early stages of the global crisis have been forced to close again—temporarily or for a longer term—for reasons ranging from staff members testing positive to patrons flouting safety measures.

Since it first reopened some locations for curbside service on May 18, Shreve Memorial Library (SML) in Shreveport, Louisiana, has had to close branches on 20 occasions because staffers were exhibiting symptoms or had tested positive for COVID-19. The first closure occurred on May 26 when SML was only offering curbside, but SML continued to start opening to the public with limitations in seven branches on June 10. Some of the system’s 21 branches have closed more than once.

“At times, it’s stressful, but we make it known that we’re all new at this and we’re all adjusting to what the governor mandates and the CDC recommends,” says Deonci Sutton, associate director for public services at SML. “We’re managing.”

As of July 31, Louisiana had the highest rate of coronavirus cases per 100,000 people of any US state. Decisions about library operations come from the director and 10-member board of control, which includes the city’s mayor and the Caddo Parish Commission president.

“We do our own contact tracing, as far as employees go,” Sutton says. Branches are open for curbside pickup and limited service that allows 30-minute visits with a 25% capacity for each location. If an onsite employee shows symptoms or is exposed to the virus, the branch is closed for 24 hours as a precaution. Still, Sutton says, “In addition to it being stressful, I will also say it’s scary.”

Government guidelines, mask meltdowns

Summersville (W.Va.) Public Library (SPL) had to close three days after reopening because a patron defied the state’s mask mandate and intentionally coughed on books and computers. When SPL opened its doors, it limited the number of visitors in the building by requiring people to make appointments, but some of those who made appointments brought additional guests. On July 9, one of those guests challenged the mask policy, allegedly becoming verbally aggressive, removing her mask, and potentially contaminating materials before agreeing to leave.

“Our staff was upset, I was upset,” says SPL Director Cynthia Hagen. “Gauging our community and how we saw discussions online about masks, we felt this would not be the only issue.”

The library closed to regroup, returning to offering curbside-only service with hopes to reopen on a limited basis again.”

Read this entire article right here!